Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Detox with Amity Wellness

Help to balance pH in the bloodstream
If the colon is damaged by too much acid-forming food it will struggle to do its job correctly. Bacteria, fungus, parasites and fecal matter will start to escape into the bloodstream and this will impact on the body's Ph balance. Too much protein and not enough fibre in your diet will eventually have this effect.

Increased sense of health and  well-being
Clearing the colon of years of accumulated waste and toxins will result in an enhanced feeling of positive energy, freshness and ultimate well-being.

Services available to cleanse your colon

One of the most common procedures is the Colon flush. The aim of the treatment is to rinse away waste and toxins that have become stuck in your colon leaving it clear for bowel movements to flow with ease. It is possible to purchase a diy colon flush kit,  but for your first treatment professional advice is recommended. A colon flush can be customized to meet your personal requirements using a range of herbs and mineral infusions that we can help with.

Visit our Detox: Rates & Booking page for more info

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